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2012-07-27 Amphenol “Kid's Day”

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:11808times PubTime:2012/7/27 0:00
         For providing our kids a bright day with Amphenol in summer holiday, On July 27th,2012,we organized an activity called "Kid's Day" which included various activities and games.
         Since being set in the training room,kids acquainted each other with simple introductions and some talent shows .In the period,our GM Alan had a good interaction with kids, and expressed his love for them.After a delicious lunch and midday rest ,we host a lecture which spoke by a psychology master Doctor Li Xin from Xianyue hospital about “To offer the growing environment benefit of kid’s physical and psychological health”,and it let parents know more about the psychological need of kid’s growing. Following by the lecture,kids visited the plant in our lead.
         As we all know that, kids are the parents’ mind treasure,and the future of the country, we have many wishes for them,and also look forward to their healthy and happy thriving! Fortunately,Amphenol kid's day has a great success and it was believed that kids would get wonderful memories in Amphenol .
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