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2012-07-26 AST Cup-Chinese Speech Contest "The Power of Teamwork"

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:11597times PubTime:2012/7/26 0:00
          As the world's high attention to the European Cup in 2012, AST cup also was being prepared .On July 26th, 2012, the European championship have ended in the victory of Spain, while Chinese Speech Contest with the topic "The Power of Teamwork" in AST was host on time.
         The contest was organized in the unit of department, only one representative from each department took part in it. The core theme addressed was generated from the case/experience/story of cross-functional department or inner-department's teamwork.They showed us the teamwork spirit which was based on the comprehension and trust in the team ,and what were the team and the power of teamwork in depth.It got a point that the power of teamwork is as strong as Tap Tap Ants,which can frighten lions and elephants .At last, the contestant from HR&Admin became the champion,and other two contestants from CS and Production Dept. were the top2 and top3 separately.
         The Chinese Speech Contest was ended perfectly in team’ actively cooperation and joint efforts, thanks to the power of teamwork ! Fighting,Team!!!
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