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2014-12-16 3rd &4th mini-departmental competition

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:13586times PubTime:2014/12/16 0:00
    On December 16th, 2014, the 3rd and 4th mini-department competition were held successfully in our fully preparation .

The third round was show with videos with the theme of the traveling in Fantasy Zhangjiajie , Different with the two rounds before, this round was completed by trans-departments . And the followed round was DIY. In addition to the traditional part Let plane fly , there was the height and transmit speed competition with the variety work made by pasta and cottons, which was fully demonstrated our operational ability and logical thinking ability.
    After the two rounds, the final round AST slogans big show will be held in Y2014 Annual Dinner , let’s look forward it.