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2014-12-1 the Final of AST 4th Talent Show

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:9364times PubTime:2014/12/1 0:00
   How exciting it is. The long-anticipated AST 4 th Talent Show was held successfully 0n December 1st, 2014, which was the real wonderful show although the occasional rain with many innovative programs such as graceful poem and song, funny talk-show and full of love living play and band shows and so on, and the best wonderful was the show with motorbike and horses. During the final , our GM Alan played 10 footballs which represent  10years growing about AST for our guys ,which was so moving!

Although the final was ended, we believe that the memories brought by our talented employees would deeply engrave on our mind, and more look forward to the forth talent show in the following year.