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2013-12-19 Training of Application of psychology in the management

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:19509times PubTime:2013/12/19 0:00
    Nowadays, Psychology becomes more and more important , which affects people's happiness, the performance of sales, but also affects the management ability and charisma. In order to let everyone have a comprehensive understanding of psychology, better use in the daily management, on December 19th, 2013, the one-day training with the theme of  the application of psychology in the management was delivered successfully .

This training was showed mainly around five parts such as the psychology principles , psychological method of identifying employees, EQ and management, interview technology in psychological counseling and how to balance life and wisdom, which fully elaborated the topic, and the senior trainer Mr. Chai won the praise of trainees with his vivid and humorous language and professional knowledge.