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2012-07-05 AST Orientation Training for Salaried

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:19263times PubTime:2012/7/5 0:00
          On July 5th-6th,2012, AST organized a training which topic is “Into AST”in the training room.All of New Salaried employees who joined into AST from February of 2012 took part in it.
          It took two aftenoons to train for them by HR manager,CS senior manager,R&D manager ,Recruiting Supervisor and other senior trainers from Finanace ,IT and Operation team.The contents included of Company and Corporate Culture Profile, Policy about HR, Finance and IT , Cable assembly presentation, EICC&EHS and Visit AST etc. The orientation training aims to let the new members to understand the company better , blend in AST faster, grow up quicklier . we also expect that they value-added themselves are able to create more new value for the company at the same time.
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