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2012-05-27 AST Training of Being The Most Excellent Team Leader

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:19854times PubTime:2012/5/27 0:00
          In order to improve the management skills of team leaders in AST , we organized the training of Being The Most Excellent Team Leader on May 27th,2012.All the team leaders and supervisiors of the operation team took part in it.
         The training was divided into 4 parts,there were lecturer’s teaching, acting in scenes,cases sharing and team competition. It’s aimed at improving their skills of People Manegement and team building,also enhanceing the field management.As we know,team leader is the firsthand director and organizer of the operation team,.so it’s important to pick up them and help them be the best one..
          Our team is excellent,we believe that they would be more and more stronger and powerful in achieving the company visions and performance by means of the training.
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