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2012-11-18 the Sixth Interest Games in AST

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:11801times PubTime:2012/11/18 0:00
          On November 18th, 2012, AST sixth Interest Games was host successfully in our well preparation and positive participation.
          Our players were sleek to enter in spite of the drizzle. There were many sports events in addition to the traditional sports projects: 4 * 100m relay,100m sprint and tug of war etc , also spool rolling ,bearers’ love interest project, and parent-child games full of warm. In the stadium, there were full of the passion of youth and passionate scream . .
          As the sixth interest games had a perfect ending!We believe that , the dashing and solidarity style of AST athletes will be our precious memories and incentive, and ASTer will have a more healthy body and mind if insisting to exercise, which was our best wishes!
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