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2012-08-20 Speech Contest of Energy and Water Conservation

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:11634times PubTime:2012/8/20 0:00
          Water is the source of life,and electricity is the angel of light. As protection of water resources can benefit millions of generations, and saving kilowatt-hour can bring light in the future. In order to advocate and promote the virtue and consciousness, on August 20th, 2012, our company has successfully held the speech contest of Energy and Water Conservation.
          Don't let our tears become the last drop of water, don't let our tomorrow in boundless darkness. Energy and Water Conservation is a practical action, such as shut faucet at any time , leave off power supply when out of office,.take care of every little detail , and start from us all! Please let us hand in hand together, start from now of Energy and Water Conservation.
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