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2012-06-17 outward development training of Team Leaders in AST

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:11595times PubTime:2012/6/17 0:00
          After the training of Being The Most Excellent Team Leader,in order to developing their proficiency,arousing teamwork and enhancing team’s cohesion. On June 17th, AST hold the outward development training for all the team leaders of operation team.
          The training was at drifting expanding training base in Changtai , due to the bad weather, safety and security problems, the original water projects were changed back to the land , the most representative programs were grabing horizontal bar, hands of angels and interactive back taken, which not only tested the personal psychological quality, the courage to conquer themselves ,but fully showed the mutual trust between team members ,cooperation and coagulative power, Though, in the development process, it rained sometimes, our team leader still insisted with high morale on to the end.
          This outward development training has succeeded in the joint efforts of all.AST team leader s’excellent performance let us know the morale of AST, and firmly believe, who sticking to the end must be successful ultimately. 
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