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May 31, 2024|AI Boosts Office Efficiency Training

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:755times PubTime:2024/5/31 0:00

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, office automation has become a new trend in the modern workplace. UAST held a training session titled "AI Boosts Office Efficiency" aimed at helping AST staff master AI skills to work smoothly and achieve more with less effort.

The teacher introduced many practical AI assistants, which can save us a lot of time and energy. They also demonstrated how to communicate with AI assistants and ask precise questions to improve work efficiency.

This training not only provided participants with valuable knowledge and skills but also pointed out the direction for the application of AI in office automation. With more and more people beginning to master and apply AI skills, we look forward to seeing a more efficient and intelligent office environment in the future.