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Culture Activity

2022 The Lantern Festival party

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:2510times PubTime:2022/2/15 0:00

On February 14th, 2022, the Lantern Festival party hosted by AST is held on the first floor of the factory. In the factory area, red lanterns are hung high, and colorful riddles under the lanterns are swaying in the wind. A festive scene can be catched from afar. Working out riddles on the lanterns, fun circle game, blinded hitting drums, darts shooting balls, guiding golden tigers eat Yuanxiao, employees actively participate in all these games, and the atmosphere is warm and orderly with constant laughters and laughters.

This series of activities is for more taste the flavor of new year and full of memories that everyone recall of their childhood. Unexpectedly, we can appreciate the atmosphere of Lantern Festival in AST, so that AST people can fully experience the traditional folk customs, and their faces are filled with cheerful smiles. The whole event site is full of warmness and fun.