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2015-10-28 The 5th AST talent show

From:Amphenol Author:HR&Admin Clicks:13496times PubTime:2015/10/28 0:00

On 28th Oct. 2015, the Autumn, AST family presented a wonderful talent show with strength and dignity. 
The show of this year had a variety of topics, ranging from patriotism and dignity to team spirit and fighting spirit. More creative elements were brought in the shows, covering the light programs such as B-box, solo dance, etc. and large shows like Kung Fu, team dancing and acrobatics. Our GM Alan also put up a special show to express his support and encouragement to the activity. Cosplayed Cupid with love of arrow on his back, Alan sang a song and brought secret gifts to us. All actors and audiences were moved by Alan’s sincerity, and we will keep it in mind. The 5th AST talent show was ended up with a warm and enthusiastic chorus Welcome to AST performed by all couples fighting in AST.

The talent show is deeply loved by all staff, serving as a value-added platform to boost cohesiveness and vigor. We will continue to hold the talent show and make it an activity with distinctive AST culture. We look forward to more and more talented staff and creative shows on this stage.