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2012-10-25 Internal Training Course by AST internal trainer— Business Etiquette

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:19893 times PubDate:2012/10/25
          On Oct. 25th, 2012 , the internal training course as the theme of “Business Etiquette” was delivered successfully in the 5F training room by two AST internal trainers, Ms. Lin from CS and Ms. Ma from HR&Admin.
          The training was showed with three topics :the charming image-building, temperament cultivation and promotion of charming connotation, and combined with the actual cases and the vivid practice, which seemed more relaxed and happier for our learning.
          AS it is a 2 minutes’ world now, first minute lets others know you, second minute lets others like you, the theory says: people love themselves ,after that love others ,and who respecting others will be respected by others , although civilized manners could not be done well overnight, but we still should start in one day ,and always remember that, beauty from the type, charm from the heart.
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