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2012-10-19 Training about The Construction of Happy Career Life

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:19466 times PubDate:2012/10/19
          On October 19th, 2012, we organized the training as the theme of the construction of happy career life. In the face of career and life, why are we trapped? Where does the happy career life come from? Based on happy career life thinking, as well as analysis about the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, in the wonderful lecturers explain and our active participation, the training got a complete success, we hope through the discussion, programming and neaten about the happy career life ,all of the trainees can gain more, and work out practice plans suitable for themselves, get the real happy career life.
 /v3/images/news/121029012822.jpg /v3/images/news/121029012828.jpg /v3/images/news/121029012833.jpg